Once we were in the townhouse with all its emptiness, and with 15 very full bags to unpack, a very tired Shaun and Megan have their first bolt of culture shock. They are coming to a realization of what they have left behind and how different everything is here. They miss everything from back home! Most of all they miss Zac, Emily, Brad, and Beau. Not necessarily in that order, both Shaun and Megan want Beau here to cuddle with while they are feeling so lost.
The Branch President’s wife meets us just outside our home and offers to send his wife, Elke, over to take me grocery shopping the next day. Elke picks me up the next day and we have a terrific time together. It never ceases to amaze me how truly universal the church is. I can be with someone I’ve never met before in all my life, from another country, who knows no one I know, knock on my door and we can spend the whole day together shopping like we’ve known each other for years. The church is such a blessing in so many ways. I can’t imagine how much more difficult this move would be without the church organization. We have instant friends and family simply because we are active members of the church. It’s wonderful.
It was more than a week before we were able to get internet service. Our only means of communication was Bri’s cell phone until his driver helped us get some cell phones. Once the internet was connected we were able to set up our Vonage phone line. Through Vonage we can retain our Alpine phone number and call anywhere in the U.S. for free.
I have found preparing meals to be the most difficult task for me. Trying to find all the ingredients in one store or at all is no small task. I have to come up with new menus and without my shipments I have very few kitchen supplies.
Finding a consistent time for family scripture study is not easy. FHE is also difficult because of the kids’ homework, Bri’s commute and his evening phone meetings with the states. We don’t eat dinner until 7:00 pm, shortly after Bri gets home and then he’ll have to jump into phone meetings that can last for most of the evening.
Most stores will only take cash and all of our monthly bills must be paid in cash, rubles, so it is necessary to have A LOT of cash on hand. In the states I carried very little cash, I was afraid of losing it and it was harder to keep track of expenses.
Whatever you could accomplish in the U.S. in one day takes at least 1-2 weeks in Russia. I am amazed at how busy I am and yet I seem to accomplish so little. I truly believe that one of the things the Lord is trying to teach me here in Russia is patience
It would be nice to get our shipments I think it would help to make this place feel more like home. We’re all tired of sleeping on blow up mattresses and having no other place to just sit down, relax and feel comfortable. We don’t even have a TV.
Life has been even busier since the kids started school. I thought I would have a lot of extra time to catch up on things and that I would be looking for stuff to do but I am still playing catch up and being taught over and over again that EVERYTHING in Russia takes A LOT longer to accomplish.
I missed the memo about the blog. Good thing Emily came to the rescue. I'm glad you finally came around.